1. No Spam - Spam is permitted, if you want to spam, you may post links and videos in the spam section or play games in that area, spamming within forums like the character creation area are not allowed. You will recieve a warnings, and once 3 warnings a IP ban.
2. Advertising - Advertising is only aloud in the advertising section, please read the rules before it. If you advertise by PM you will get a permenant IP ban and if it is a warning it will have the ability to have the Admins remove your PM permissions.
3. Swearing - Swearing will not be tolerated. We will definatley not aloud swearing here. Our forum is suppose to be mature is is reccomended age +12. If that cannot be handled, don't try to get any attention on purpose.
4. Respect - Respect will be watched. Our staff will have close eyes on all of our members. If respect is not shown decently, or even
5. Plagiarism - Plagiarism is -
DEFINATLEY- IS NOT A TOLERATED ACT, whether ou have a good reason for copying off the site or not, you will get into a large amount of consquences for it, permenant ban and IP ban and much more different reasons.
6. Posting - You cannot double post without a proper reason, if someone doesn't post you may bump the post, that is within 48 hours [2 days] you can do that.
7. Creativity - Believe it our not, ANL had no originality, had no creativity at first until, catching ideas from the actual Naruto show. So please, don't copy of us onto your forum just because you like it, on ANL we try to encourage you to be as creative as much as you like, but everything as a limit, so don't go overboard.
8. Being Mature - We don't accept immaturity here at ANL, if you want to be like that sure go somewhere else to be like that. Being immature shows lack of repect, responsibility and you will be recognized for being as dumb, idiotic person. So if you don't want that to happen or get banned, please act more mature, or even make an effort, if you cannot, don't try to show any stupid acts or manners over the forum, just ignore all of it and focus on what you need to do.
9. Several Accounts - Several accounts are not goig to be tolerated on this forum, we can figure that out by just checking out your IP and figuring out how your personality and how you RP is, so don't think you would get away. We have tight security making sure that won't happen. This is the reason why we will not have several accounts; spamming, making several characters, flaming and anything related.
10. Most Obvious - Have fun, please follow these rules and if anything is missing please contact me, the Administrator of the forum for any further questions, additions or concerns.